Riding Mill Parish News #513

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My sister-in-law posted on Facebook. It was a star rating for 2021. Half a star, with the comment ‘Worse than the year before, would not recommend’!

She has good reason to feel that way with many challenges and disappointments, difficulties with her own health as well as other members of the family and loss.

On the other side of the year’s account have been the positives. The marriages of her eldest son and of her brother, the stable health of her husband, my brother, who was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia just before the beginning of the pandemic in 2020.

Yes, she has more reason than most to feel negative about 2021, but that is not the whole story.

The book of Psalms is a wonderful treasury of human expression, of prayers and praises towards God. Many were written intended for public worship while some are very personal indeed. They reflect real emotions, joy and thanksgiving, sadness, disappointment and even outright anger, and if ever you find yourself ‘lost for words’ then the book of Psalms is a good place to find some of the right ones.

Life is rarely completely negative or wholly positive, we live in the balance between the two, and of course we have wider concerns and celebrations beyond our personal circumstances, looking towards our community, society and our world.

The Psalms would say perhaps in all things give thanks but also pour out your soul to God with your struggles and frustrations.

Perhaps it comes down to whether you are a glass half full or half empty person, how you would rate 2021, or perhaps you have had to face more struggles or have enjoyed more blessings than you expected.

Whatever your circumstances, I pray that we may all raise a glass to 2022 as we await to see what might have us running to the Psalms for an expression of grief and sorrow, and, what will give us cause to celebrate in this new year.

May your glass, and your heart, be full with thankfulness and may your sorrows be few.

With every blessing,

Marie Beard

Originally published in the Riding Mill Parish News #513 – January 2022

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