Welcome to St James’s Church

Our vision for our church in our place: ‘Towards our Third Century’ – Click on the image to find out more

© Hannah Thorpe 2023. The artist has kindly allowed the Church to use it for a variety of purposes, including this one.

For all our services, including funerals and weddings, available online across the world:

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that, some have entertained angels without knowing it’
Letter to the Hebrews, 13.2

Join us to worship and share community together!

A warm welcome to the Parish Church of St James, Riding Mill; on the banks of the beautiful River Tyne in Northumberland where the Roman Dere Street crosses to link Hadrian’s Wall with the lands further South. 

As beautiful and distinctive though our building is, a church is about far more than the mellow stone and vibrant stained glass of the tourist picture. It’s about weaving nets of relationship – how Christians in this place worship and serve God; how we serve our community; and how we try to put our money where our mouths are in terms of living out our faith as Jesus taught.

We are an inclusive church – so we strive to be a church which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate against people on grounds of disability, economic power, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, learning disability, mental health, neurodiversity, or sexuality.

We believe, too, in a Church which welcomes and serves all people in the name of Jesus Christ; which is scripturally faithful; which seeks to proclaim the Gospel afresh for each generation; and which, in the power of the Holy Spirit, allows all people to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Jesus Christ.

Like most churches we are very much a work in progress, and we are always learning. Like most churches we make mistakes and have our faults and foibles (for we are too human by half). Through it all, we want to be a church worthy of its founder and so we keep trying, for Jesus’ sake.

And we are proud to be part of the Church of England, of which Newcastle Diocese is the local expression. With our Bishops, we are enthusiastic to join in being a Church turning outwards in mission and ministry, younger, and more diverse. A Church that is characterised by:

SEEKING through being Open to God’s transforming love;

SHARING through being Generous with God’s transforming gifts;

SENDING through being Engaged in God’s transforming work in the world.

There may be many reasons why you are looking at our website. Perhaps you are looking for somewhere to arrange a baptism (christening) or a wedding? We are very open to blessing your marriage or civil partnership, including everyone in this invitation. Or find out how to deal with a death. Perhaps you or someone you know needs prayer? Perhaps you want to find a place to worship and feel at home, or perhaps you want to find out more about what it means to be a Christian today?

Whether you are looking for help, worship, history or salvation these pages should give you a good start. But there is no substitute for the real thing – so get in touch, or just drop in to a service or event.

We look forward to seeing you!

Rev’d Diana

Photo of Rev. Diana Johnson at the entrance of the St. James's Church

Our Vicar is Rev’d Diana Johnson. Photo by Christopher Thomond.


Holy Communion at St. James's Church, Riding Mill

Sundays at 8am: Holy Communion
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Sunday Worship at St. James's Church, Riding Mill

Sundays at 10am: Parish Worship
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Mid-week Parish Worship at St. James's Church, Riding Mill

Wednesday at 9.30am: Parish Worship
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Quiet Evening Prayer at St. James's Church, Riding Mill

Wednesday at 7pm: Quiet Evening Prayer
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Second Sundays each month at 7pm

We come together in Riding Mill to listen, to pray and to sing reflectively, in the Taizé Community style.

The community in France includes people and traditions from around the world, with an emphasis on youth. The music and prayers are sung in many languages, and include chants from the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic traditions. The music emphasizes simple phrases, usually lines from Psalms or other pieces of Scripture, repeated and sometimes also sung in canon. You can find out more about the ecumenical Taizé community and their style of worship at www.taize.fr/en.

Come early to help set up the candles…

(Image by Surfnico – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=25243958)

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All welcome in Church or online!

Check the Service Calendar for details of other services and updates.



The parish of St. James, Riding Mill is a welcoming community that is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults.

Our Safeguarding Officer is Prof John Mathers, who may be contacted:

Tel: 01434 684 486

Email: jmathersiah@gmail.com

Alternatively, please contact The Parish Priest, Rev’d Diana Johnson. Her contact details, along with further safeguarding information can be found here.


Should you wish to deliver yourself of your riches to assist the work of our church, please click the button.

We rely on donations and so we’ll be most grateful for your help.


We were honoured when the amazing Lucy Bunce composed a special blessing for us, based on a prayer of one of the Northern Saints – St. Aiden. See if you can spot her reference to the beautiful River Tyne, whose waters run past our parish.