
Each Tuesday evening in the Church Cottage, from 6.30pm – 7.00pm, we meet to meditate together.

Life today for many is lived at such a frantic pace, and accompanied by so much background noise it is good simply to sit in silence together and to make space for God in our midst.

The practice of meditation teaches us to be more aware of where God is working in our lives. It speaks to openness, hospitality and refraining from judging ourselves or others.

Meditation is a discipline which is better learned in community.

After a short introduction to meditation we sit in silence together. At the end of our meditation we have the opportunity to speak briefly about how our practice of meditation is developing, day by day.

You would be welcome to join us any Tuesday evening.

We are an ecumenical group. You do not need to be a member of the congregation at St, James’s to join us.