Meditation for 8th March 2022
Three things had grabbed my attention. And there was no escaping them!
I’d spent time with a friend exploring the importance of forgiveness, and how the lack of it consumed those affected. How pain and anger seemed to demand revenge.
The destruction created by not forgiving, wrecks lives. Left to fester, it stunts personal and social development and perpetuates sorrow and fear. It encourages a lack of honesty and a preoccupation with imperfections and complaining…
By not forgiving, we deeply offend God, cut ourselves off from family, friends and colleagues and from our better selves.
Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.
Luke 23:34
On Ash Wednesday, Rev. Diana offered the booklet: Pocket Prayers for Lent.
The theme was forgiveness. It underlined that forgiveness was not easy and brought home the point of my second consideration, that we need also to forgive ourselves… our weaknesses, doubts, fear… ‘the stuff that weighs me down.‘ Stubbing out the opportunity for healing and joy.
It is a challenge in prayer, to ‘drop the blame I have no need to own.’ Letting go of yesterday and facing the unknown tomorrow… in the knowledge that God will fulfil his promises of love, comfort, and joy. Of enablement and challenge.
God has poured out His love into our hearts.
Romans 5:5
From the struggle to forgive others and ourselves, God asks us to repent and accept His love and forgiveness and to pray.
Send Your Spirit into my mind
Mary Fleeson: Pocket of Prayers for Lent
I bind it there to teach me love
(to sustain and guide me)
Take my imperfections and let me be available to God and to others.
Mary Fleeson
(and to bring joy)
As the sun rises… let me be Your new creation.
At this enormously difficult time, we find ourselves in deep reflection and prayer. In repentance and reparation I realise we can do so much more for ourselves and the world.
I continued with my reflection; forgiveness for ourselves and for others.
Then came the third consideration, in the form of the World Day of Prayer service. It’s theme:
I know the plans I have for you.
Jeremiah 29: 1-14
Forgiveness isn’t easy. It isn’t something we can do in our own strength.
“Jesus, thank you that through your sacrifice we are forgiven.”
In unresolved situations and past regrets now is the time to pause and pray.
Heavenly Father, I am sorry, forgive me, heal me, lift me.
World day of Prayer: Intercessions
Have mercy on those I love.
The words of the Service aim to comfort and serve in reminding us that we are part of God’s plan.
For surely I know the plans I have for you… When you call I will let you find me.
Jeremiah 29:1-14
Where ever we are in our lives, or in the world, whatever tomorrow brings, the sweet music of joy is being whispered into our hearts.
God whispers words of knowledge, peace and love.
Examining the strands of my threefold wanderings, when I longed for God to intervene, I found how God’s plans have blessed me with greater, fuller understanding through unexpected ways; a conversation, shared prayers (Booklet), and World day of Prayer Service.
Longing for peace, our world is troubled.
Longing for hope, many despair.
Your word alone has the power to save us.
Make us your living voice.
…Let us be servants one to another
making Your kingdom come.
Bernadette Farrell
I pray; God help me to be prepared, alert and have a loving heart to be effective for Him.
May we sing your praises as we face the challenges of Lent, and the journey to Easter!