St James’s Church Riding Mill Invites you to a Harvest Supper in the Parish Hall on Saturday 28th September at 7pm.
with an illustrated talk, “ON FIRE … AND PUTTING IT OUT”
given by Dr Jane Insley, a former senior curator at the London Science Museum.
Bring your own drink and glasses.
Two course supper provided.
Tickets £15.00 per person,
from Penny 682578,,
Jenny 682486,
All profits will be donated to the charities supported by St James’s Church.
Dr Jane Insley was Senior Curator, Engineering Technology at the Science Museum in London, head of a team looking after 42 Collections. One of those under her personal charge was to do with fire fighting and she first had to learn about the world and work of the firefighters. The objects in the Collection point to fascinating back stories of real people, which she will share with us in Riding Mill.
Rev’d Diana writes: “Dr Insley found a link between Riding Mill station and the wider regional story of Fire Fighting – a link that reaches as far as Minsteracres. I am looking forward to gaining an insight on how our national scientific treasures came to be assembled, the stories that the objects in the Collections reveal, and hearing of some of the people whose work and times are reflected by the objects they used. It will, for me, be a window on a different world, as indeed it was for Jane when she took on the collection!”