Support our Intrepid Local Vicar!

Our Vicar, Diana, is undertaking a walk of 102 miles along
Hadrian’s High Way, in order to raise funds for local charities.

We’re attempting to raise £500 to donate to St James’ Church, Riding Mill, near Hexham – which, at the end of the year shares the money raised from this, (and jumble sales, raffles and other fund-raising initiatives ) between 3 selected Local Charities.

The link online to the ‘Just Giving’ page is

Our Vicar, Diana, is undertaking a walk of 102 miles along
Hadrian’s High Way, in order to raise funds for local charities. The
walk takes place between the 10th and 21st of September, and
we are hoping local people will donate to these very worthy
causes and support Diana’s amazing efforts. Every little counts,
and, even in these tough times we hope you can donate for
those less fortunate than ourselves, to whom life has dealt a
tough hand? Please support this amazing effort!